Thursday, July 31, 2008

Old Friends and Old Stories

I ran into an old friend today, and she reminded me of something I wanted to write about here on my blog. I'm glad I saw her! Actually, with it being so blazing hot today, we left the playground earlier than I think we would have and some of us continued playgroup at Chick-fil-A. I ran into so many people that I know, or maybe I'm more comfortable talking to strangers, but my friend seemed to think I was strange!

I have two beautiful boys that I'm very proud of most of the time. One is almost 4, and the other is just 4 months old today. Both pregnancies were interesting, to say the least.

When I was 16 weeks along with the first, hubby and I were on our way to church one May Sunday morning. The sun was shining, it was a gorgeous day, so we had the windows open, and we had not a care in the world; but then, we remembered. The bridge we had to go over to get to church was closed for repair that weekend! We had forgotten, so we had to detour through a small, narrow, winding road to the other bridge. No problem, or so we thought.

Hubby was driving, so I used my cell to call the church. We were going to be late now, and hubby was supposed to teach Sunday school for the youth that morning. It just so happened that my dad answered the phone, as he was the closest one to the phone at the time. No problem, he said, we'll see you when you get here.

If you know the Chesapeake - Virginia Beach area at all, I'll bet you've heard of Elbow road. That's the road we were on. Hubby had never traveled that particular road before, and as we went around a corner right in front of Bethel Baptist church, he caught the gravel on the non-existent shoulder just the tiniest bit, and that's all she wrote, folks. We ended up going down into the ditch (which was about the same size as our 1996 Ford Taurus!), cleaning the ditch out, hitting a culvert and flipping a couple of times, landing on our top and spinning around until we stopped. When we finally stopped, we were pointing the same direction we were originally travelling, just upside down. We never crossed the middle line, and we landed directly between the church's two driveways.

The very first thing that went through my mind I absolutely believe was from God. He spoke to my spirit and said very clearly, "The baby is fine. get out of the car now." I was hanging upside down in my seat belt, and my right hand was injured. Hubby couldn't get his door open, so he put his seat back to get the back door open. I asked him to help me get out of the seat belt, and by the time he got me out of that, people from the church that saw it happen had pried his door open to get us out.

I was able to walk a safe distance away where they sat me down until the rescue vehicles came. I lost sight of my husband, but knew that he was OK. People were crowding around me more than anything, but I couldn't figure out why. I was yelling out the phone number to the church that we attended to get someone to call there and get my parents to come. (I guess someone did, because they were there when I was being put into the ambulance.)

I don't think I ever lost consciousness, but I had a head injury, and a badly mangled right hand. My hand had gotten caught between the asphalt and the roof of my car, because when we started going down, I held onto the roof ( the car we had didn't have the handles at the top of the windows). That, combined with the fact that I was pregnant was enough for them to take me to the trauma center at Norfolk General Hospital instead of the smaller one that was closer, Chesapeake General. They took my husband to Chesapeake, and I wanted to go with him, but they wouldn't take me. My mother rode in the ambulance with me, and my father stayed with the car until it was towed back to the farm, and then came up to Norfolk. My sister-in-law went to Chesapeake with my husband, who was treated and released rather quickly, thank God. All he had was a few scratches on his face and arm.

When I got to the hospital, I was very vocal (read: "yelling") about the fact that I was pregnant. The EMT had forgotten to tell them that over the radio on our way there. They immediately started working; cutting my clothes off, doing an ultrasound, x-rays, the whole nine yards. They sent me for a CT scan of the head, and then we waited. The US showed that the baby had a heartbeat, and wasn't hurt a bit, praise God! The first x-rays of my hand showed no broken bones, but the Dr. that was treating me didn't believe it. He just knew that my fingers had to be at least dislocated or something, as badly as it looked. He then sent me for more x-rays of my hand. At the same time, I kept complaining about my left thumb; it hurt, and it was swelling and turning all different shades of purple. He said it was just jammed, and it would be fine. HA! (More about that in a minute)

All the tests came back normal. Oh, I had a concussion, but my hand was not broken, it just looked like hamburger. Each finger was skinned on the sides from the knuckle to the tip. I found out later that my tailbone was broken, and my left thumb WAS broken. So much for that Dr. actually listening to his patient.

They kept me in the hospital in the Labor & Delivery unit overnight so they could monitor the baby, and released me the next day, which was Monday. We came home and rested for a while, and then I made a phone call to Bethel Baptist Church. I wanted to let them know that we were OK, and thank them for all they did for us in the aftermath. As I write this, I'm tearing up, because what came next was just about the biggest blessing that we have ever received.

Come back, friends, and I'll tell you more!

To be Continued...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our weekend and more revelations

I have a very interesting family. Myself, I've lived here in the Hampton Roads area my whole life (except for the 2 years after we got married that we lived in Richmond) and have never really like the beach. You know, usually people that live in, say, Iowa or Kansas that never get to go to the beach, they LOVE it. The sand, the surf, everything. Me, not so much.

My husband and his family have always loved the beach. His parents are from New Mexico, so it's not a big surprise for me. Usually, I'll go to the beach maybe once a summer, and that's it for me. I remember when we were dating, he wanted to go to the beach SOOOOO bad, and I finally went with him. I'm not as enthusiastic about it, but I went just the same.

Now, if you've seen my picture, you may or may not be able to tell that I am quite fair skinned, and a larger than average woman. So getting sunscreen on every part of my arms and back is not the easiest task in the world. EVERY TIME I go to the beach, I fry. EVERY TIME. Expecially when I'm more concerned with getting sunscreen on my 3 year old and my hubby's head. They are fine, of course. But me? Shoulders and arms as red as a lobster. My husband thought it would be funny to sing the song "Rock Lobster" to me as he rubbed me down with aloe last night. Yeah, honey, hilarious. Poor thing thinks he's a comedian.

On the plus side, however, my son had a marvelous time, and we got some really good pictures. Yes, we took the baby, and he slept very nicely in the little sunshade that I got for him; it looks like a mini pop-up tent. Of course, I didn't read the directions that say to pour sand in the little outer pocket to keep the thing from blowing over; I sat there the whole time with my foot in the stupid thing so the breeze didn't blow it over. I put the diaper bag inside, but that wasn't enough. When we went to put the thing away, we found the direction. Go figure.

In another vein, Hubby and I have been doing a bible study together that has had very interesting lessons this week. For me, it's nothing that I didn't already believe in my heart, but now I think I can say that I believe it in my head, as well. The revelation? That God is a God of miracles, whether they happened in bible times or today. I have seen over and over in my own life how God works physical miracles (major back surgery at 25, a miscarriage, children that I thought I couldn't have, the list goes on and on), but I think God is telling me through this study that He works other kinds of miracles, too. His wonders are infinite, and we just have to have faith that He can and will. I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as "unanswered prayers", folks. It's just that sometimes the answer isn't what we want to hear, therefore we stop listening.

I pray that I will never stop listening again. Life is so much better when you just open up your heart to what the Lord wants for you. What God wants for you is always better than what you think you want.

Monday, July 21, 2008

More Musings

Well, I remembered one thing. Shawn went to the Dr. on Thursday and found out what was making him break out into the hives. He has allergies, anyway, right? Well, he was having small attacks of the sniffles and sore throat and the like, so he was drinking this herbal tea that I'd bought for me; I ended up not liking it, so it sat there. He found it and decided to try it. Apparently, there is an herb in the tea that is in the same botanical family as ragweed! So his body thought he was drinking ragweed tea, and responded appropriately. There wasn't enough of that herb in it to have a big reaction immediatley, but when the welts came, look out! He was miserable, and rightly so; he couldn't sleep for the itch. That's taken care of now, though. I think he threw out the "Ragweed Tea". We will never speak of it again.


Well, Mom is due home tomorrow, thank goodness! My dad is doing ok, but he really misses her, I can tell. I went over there on Friday and made him a home-cooked meal; he's not used to eating out all the time! That farm boy is a meat and potatoes guy to the core. He can do alright for awhile; he knows where the Hardee's is, and he can make himself a mean plate of cheese fries, but he can't do a roast like Mom. I told him to get a roast out of the freezer and I'd come over and get it ready for dinner (dinner at the farm is 1:00 in the afternoon) for him.

When I got there, I realized how much more I needed to do. The carpet needed a good vaccuming. I got the roast in the oven, got the vegetables peeled, and then got to work. I was only able to get one room vacuumed, but at least I got the biggest one done! Daddy got a good meal, and the boys and I got to spend some time with Grandpa.

I have so much to talk about, but no words to express it. So many thoughts are running through my brain, I can't get hold of just one to write about. It took all I had to write what I did about Daddy! Maybe I'll try again later...


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Need to flush the Pity Pot!

Ok. I really need a nap!

My best friend is away right now, and it's killing me! My mother is my best friend; I call her every day, at least 2 or three times, I see her at least once a week, if not more. She flew to Romania last weekend; my cousin is getting married there this weekend. She went also because she would have the chance to see my nephews in Germany during a 12 hour layover in Frankfurt. I have 2 nephews there (long story), one of which we've never seen; he was born there. I've already gotten pictures, and MY GOODNESS, they've grown!!! The oldest is taller than Mom! I can tell from the pics and the emails that she's having a good time, and I'm happy for her. She just needs to come home now. Period. (wink)

Anyway, with two little ones of my own, it's nice to have Mom right here to at least talk to, or even pack the kids up and head out to the farm for the day so that the oldest can run around outside. I won't really let him do that in the neighborhood I live in. Nope. Not gonna do it. The only thing I have to worry about at the farm is those shifty-eyed cows!

Not much more to report at the moment. I'm exhausted after two days of the hubby being home sick from work. He's developed an allergy (at least we think) to something, and has off and on for two days straight been breaking out in hives in various places. It's really weird; we can't pinpoint what's going on! He has an appointment with an allergist Thursday, so maybe he can shed some light on the problem. In the meantime, Hubby's taking Benadryl like hard candy and bathing in Cortizone cream. Such is the life of a SAHM. No day goes by without SOME kind of little drama!

Monday, July 14, 2008

My first day as a blogger

So, this is my first blog! I'm trying to figure this thing out, and try to "get connected" as it were, with other bloggers out there. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I am a stay-at-home mommy of two beautiful boys, ages 3 and a half and 3 months. My husband is the most patient, biggest teddy bear you'll ever meet, and my extended family is just as wonderful. Oh, we have our problems, to be sure, but it all works.

Hubby and I have been married for 9 years (1o this coming January!). Before we had children, I worked in different offices from CPA's and bookkeeping to a doctor's office. I very much enjoyed the medical office, but right after I got pregnant with my first son, one of my doctor's decided to retire (due to medical reason's of his own) and the other doctor decided to leave the area. Our practice was acquired by a bigger "conglomerate" that decided that since I was pregnant, I was disposable, so I ended up as not part of the deal. Yeah, I know it sounds awful and illegal, but somehow they did it legally, so there was nothing I could do about it, and it all ended up for the best, anyway.

Fast forward 4 years later and I am happy and content as a SAHM, a wife, daughter and a Tupperware consultant. I've been selling Tupperware now for about 2 years, and I guess I'm the worst Tupperware lady ever! I've never done an in-home show, but I've sold enough to keep active and get some free stuff out fo the deal. Perfect for me, but Hubby says that I'm stocking too much, as I've got 2 cabinets full of empty Tupperware and another big Rubbermaid container in the closet full, too.

Oh, geez. The baby is fussing! It's about time for a feeding, and since I'm the only one who can, guess I have to sign off for now. If you come back, I'll tell more stories and such.Storytelling runs in my family; Daddy is the best!

God Bless,
