I'm not usually one to complain, at least not on a grand scale. But there have been a number of things going on lately that I just need to vent about.
My baby is going to be 6 months old this week. Normally, this is the time when an infant of this age is starting to sit up, roll over, things like that.
Not my kid.
He's crawling, climbing, and teething. He's got one little tooth already, and the next one is on it's way. He's already tried to climb the stairs (didn't get very far!) and tonight while I was cooking dinner, he pulled a small table over, breaking 2 large Yankee candles into the carpet. Needless to say, I freaked out, grabbed him and tossed him to the hubby, and then grabbed my older son and yanked him to safety; we cleaned up the glass after we realized that they were just scared and not hurt at all, but I fell apart, clinging onto my oldest for dear life while bawling like a big baby.
I felt like a failure as a mother. The worst mother in the world. I still sort of feel that way, even though I know it's not true.
The baby is also refusing to sleep. Nighttime is my one respite; he will actually sleep through the night, and has been since he was 9 weeks old. The problem is that he's almost refusing to nap during the day. Today, he took ONE 2 hour nap. That's it. It's killing me! Here's how my days go these days:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
~Up by 6 or 6:30 (depending on when the baby wakes up!) to breastfeed the baby.
~Showered and dowstairs by 7:30 to relieve Dad so he can finish getting ready to go to work.
~Make sure the oldest has eated breakfast and shove something down my throat by 8:30, which is when we have to leave to get the oldest to school (it's half and hour away). Once I get him to school, I spend the morning with my Mom at her house, because she lives 5 minutes from school, and it's stupid for me to come all the way home just to go all the way back and forth 4 times a day, 3 times a week. This means I can only get my housework done on Tuesday's and Thursday's, and that's NOT ENOUGH!!!!!
Tuesday's and Thursday's:
~The first two things on the list for the other days are the same, but thank goodness I don't have to go to school! (Although, next year he will be in 5 day preschool; Lord only knows what I'm gonna do then!)
~Get as much housework done as I can, and then hope to heaven that the baby takes naps like he's supposed to. Tueday nights we have small group, so dinner must be quick so we can be there by 6:30. Thursday nights, dinner must also be quick because hubby has a class that he must go to, and therefore I must get the kids bathed and put to bed by myself. This is a feat, let me tell you!
Cna you understand why I'm exhausted by the weekend? Not to mention that my in-laws are coming this particular weekend so hubby and I can attend a family wedding on Saturday. This entails extra housework that I must do, which needs to be done, anyway.
Just writing this is cathartic; Seeing it on the screen helps me realize that I have a lot on my plate. Even more than I thought. No wonder I feel like having a nervous breakdown!
The Problem of An Unelected Government
4 weeks ago